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SS501 DVD collection, Five Men's Five Years

Friday, September 11, 2009 at 10:49 PM

SS501 Five Men's Five Years DVD Preview

SS501 will be releasing a new DVD titled : “Hallyu DVD Collection : Five Men’s Five Years in 2005~2009″ on end of October in Japan & Korea.

The DVD content will be about the boys’ activities within the 5 years period & also featured the boys’ newest photoshoot taken in Gayana Resort- Malaysia & also their Fan Signing activities in KL-Malaysia.

In the preview, we can see the boys activities during Malaysia visit and also a sneak peeked to their photoshoot in Gayana Resort.

I looking up for this DVD released soon, but DSP seem to delay this album released date just like solo collection before.:-*

SS501 is in Kota Kinabalu to shoot their DVD for their upcoming 2nd All Korean album.

국내 팬은 물론 아시아 팬들의 사랑

에 보답하기 위한 깜짝 선물은 다름 아닌 SS501의 특별한 모습을 담은 DVD다.
DVD 촬영은 8월 31일부터 9월 3일까

지 말레이시아의 유명 휴양지 코타키나발루의 가야나 리조트에서 진행된다.
가야나 리조트는 훼손되지 않은 산호

섬 본연의 모습을 그대로 간직하고 있는 가야섬에 위치한 방갈로 형태 고급 수상 리조트로 순수한 SS501의 이미지와 딱 어우러지는 곳.
각각의 개성이 뚜렷한 SS501 다섯 남자는 촬영 일정 동안 리조트와 아름다운 산호 비치를 오가며 팬을 위한 멋진 촬영을 진행할 예정이다.
또한 DVD 촬영을 마친 후에는 쿠알라룸푸르로 이동하여 SS501의 동남아 팬들을 위한 팬사인회도 진행할 계획이라고 한다.
SS501의 때 묻지 않은 휴양지에서의 모습을 유쾌하면서도 아름답게 담아낼 DVD는 라는 타이틀로 10월 말 한국, 일본에 동시 발매될 예정이다.

In the said report, boys will be in Kota Kinabalu until the 3rd [I thought they will be in KL too for the autograph signing?]. The boys are staying at Gayann Resort, a place famour for its corals and marine lives.

If there is someone who can share the news from imbc, we will appreciate it very much. ^^

p.s. I just read that delay for the release of the 2nd Korean Album in September 17 is possible. It could be September 27 or 28 a

ccording to Leader when asked during the Tony Mony event last Friday.

Honestly, we can't do anything if it's going to be delayed. No use in getting mad or cursing DSP. I'm pretty sure they also do not want this to happen but as it is things have to happen for several reasons. Besides this is not the first thing that it happened.


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