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ejung's and Yuchun's Anniversary Messages to Ori★Suta

Sunday, September 20, 2009 at 8:20 AM
[TRANS] 090920 Jejung's and Yuchun's Anniversary Messages to Ori★Suta

I had different kinds of photoshoots here, which allowed me to have this kind of memory! In a cafe, on the streets, on the rooftop of a tall building; I had photoshoots in all those places. Because there were many outdoor shots, I am very happy.
-- Yoochun

To Ori★Suta, Happy 30th Anniversary!
I hope that there will still be lots of love and care in the future.
Thank you.
-- Everybody's Yoochun

To Ori★Suta, Happy 30th Anniversary!
Jaejoong will keep supporting Ori★Suta in the future.
-- Jaejoong

Source: Ori★Suta + tvxqcn.ifensi
Translation: (L) @
Credits: { One World. One Red Ocean. One TVXQ! }

Feel free to repost, but please leave the full credits intact. Thanks!


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