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Yunho Dangerous Scene

Friday, September 18, 2009 at 7:24 AM
Jung Yunho, Even Dangerous Motorcycle Crash Scenes are OK!

[Sports Chosun T-News By: Reporter Lee In Kyung]

Actor Jung Yunho did his best on the motorcycle scene.
Idol Group DBSK’s Jung Yunho is currently in MBC’s Drama ‘Heading to the Ground’. The one who got the soccer player role, Jung Yunho, recently took a motorcycle crash scene very bravely.

It was a scene where he discovers Kang Hae Bin (Ara)’s crashed car on the Hang river, while he was driving past Sung Kang Bridge on his motorcycle on a holiday.

The crew used one lane on Sung Kang Bridge to do the dangerous crash scene. He still had the help from the stunt man, but he filmed it without any problems. Jung Yunho stated, “It’s really cool to walk and ride a motorcycle on a bridge. It’s something I don’t do regularly, so I got a taste of excitement and passion at the same time.”

Ara said, “It wasn’t easy to film this, but since the filming team took care of all the hazards, it wasn’t scary.
Wuahh..yunho oppa so brave..he is so cool..can't wait to watch the full film:-/

Source: Chosun
Translation: dongbanglove@DBSKnights
Credits: DBSKnights@blogspot
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