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Bigeastation 131 and 132 Teasers

Thursday, September 24, 2009 at 7:16 PM
Bigeastation 131 and 132 Teasers

Bigeastation #131 – To be aired on the 27th of September
Members: Yunho, Changmin, Yuchun
  • Yoochun will be answering questions regarding the new single by JEJUNG & YUCHUN.
  • "How do you say it in Korean, U-know?" Corner – ‘Secret,’ ‘Really?,’ ‘Feel an Upsurge of Emotions’ in Korean?

Bigeastation #132 – To be aired on the 10th of October (JEJUNG & YUCHUN's New Single - Released!)
Members: Jejung, Yuchun
  • Broadcast of new digital single "Endlessly Sweet"
  • "Please answer me!" Why do most Korean girls have straight fringe (hair)? What nickname would you give to other members?

Source: togethertvxq
Translation: sshutingg @
Credits: { One World. One Red Ocean. One TVXQ! }

Feel free to repost, but please leave the full credits intact. Thanks!


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