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JJ & YC Music Japan on Air Date

Tuesday, September 29, 2009 at 3:52 AM
[INFO] 090928 JJ & YC Music Japan on Air Date: October 4th, 2009

Jejung and Yuchun (from TVXQ) will be on air.
Music Japan on October 4th, 2009, Sunday 23:30-23:59: NHK

(T/N: This is by far the shotest info I translated here at OneTVXQ. lol laugh.gif )

Music Japan Preview:


JJ & YC Kitty: Fanmade Art

T/N: By the way, I think you already know that the red and purple kitty,
JJ & YC were holding in the Tohomobile photo were all sold out.
But did you know that they were completely sold out by pre-order?
My friend who wanted to purchase them could not believe that
she could not even see them at the stores. blink.gif

(Photo: SharingYoochun)

(Trans:) For the first time.......
Only JJ and YC were interviewd by themselves for the magazine.
They looked somewhat shy because of the difference in atomosphere. lol

Music Fair English Subbed
(This episode is too funny! Wow, they sing so beautiful together. ^^)

(YT: DBSKnights)

Always Keep The Faith!

Source: Music Japan + myan + cojobu + as tagged
Translation: Junsulv @
Credits: { One World. One Red Ocean. One TVXQ! }

Feel free to repost, but please leave the full credits intact. Thanks!

[ENG+KANJI SUB] Jejung & Yuchun Color ~Melody and Harmony~ LIVE @.T.D.


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