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What in Special Episode???

Monday, September 21, 2009 at 6:41 AM
090921~What's In Special Episode

A little more episode from WHAT’s IN? magazine.
Yuchun, who showed us a cute dance, also displayed an imitation of the staff who are close to them during photography sessions with us wherever possible. He kept on imitating the hair / make-up artist. Since he did not stop imitating the artist, the artist was bothered by him.

Another episode. This time, we showed photographs taken by Cheki (instant camera). Until then, we used a digital camera and took many photos very fast. But when we used Cheki, developing the film was so slow, everyone was astonished in excessive lateness of Cheki. Jejung kept on saying, “It is late!” But probably because he liked the finished photos taken by Cheki; He kept on saying, “I want this one!” So the editor had to say in a fighting mode, "No more!" to Jejung. ^^

The photographs which we were able to secure safely from Jejung were carried on the page. Good grief. Lol

By Kawashiman
photography : Kei Masuda

Source: + erije @ sharingyoochun
Translation: junsulv @
Credits: + sharingyoochun @ Wordpress


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