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Hyun Joong wear pink sexy dress...

Wednesday, September 30, 2009 at 7:48 PM
Hyun Joong wear pink sexy dress in Family Outing...So Cute..

When I saw Hyun Joong in Family Outing ep 64, wahh..I see him wear sexy pink dress because lee hyo ri ask him to wear that,like the other member family wear clothes that seung ri and elder buy in the market..his image as Ji hoo sunbae is still can be seenn..^^
He is so sexy, cool cute sunbae...

here is some pict:

Our Lovely Ji Hoo Sunbae^^
He is Smiling.....

Photobucket Photobucket
Photobucket Photobucket
He wash vegetables..soo cute.^^
His smile is totally Prince Smile..Even he wear a dress..


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