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Judge: TVXQ relevant documents of performing activities, evidence preservation

Sunday, September 27, 2009 at 12:49 AM
090921 Judge: TVXQ relevant documents of performing activities, evidence preservation

TVXQ's Yoochun (Micky), JaeJoong (Hero) and Junsu (Xiah) applied for the preservation of evidence hoping to preserve contract books, account books and other relevant documents of their performing activities, and it was accepted during the trial.

According to the Seoul Central District Conference on the 18th September, they had accepted TVXQ's Yoochun, JaeJoong and Junsu's preservation of evidence and rejected the application applied by SM Entertainment.

The three members who asked to stop the exclusive contract with SM and had made a provisional disposition with Seoul Central District in July.

Source: /
Translation: honeyiceblend @
Credits: { One World. One Red Ocean. One TVXQ! }
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