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Micky and Jaejoong Tatoo

Friday, September 18, 2009 at 8:29 AM
The Secret Behind Yoochun & Jaejoong's Tattoo - An Interview with the Tattoo Master

This is a short interview of JP, the tattoo master from Tatist where JaeJoong and Yoochun got their tattoo.

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Source: yestvxq and Japanese paper shown
mel and Mrs JYP @
Credits: { One World. One Red Ocean. One TVXQ! }
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I like this interview. It explains more about JaeJoong and Yoochun’s tattoo. The tattoo master also seems like he’s really close with JaeJoong. What he said about Jae’s tattoos made me understand Jae more and his feelings. Before, I only admired Jae’s tattoo because of how unique it is but after reading this interview, I came to appreciate it more. Each and every tattoo both of them have are not merely for body art only but rather they mean a lot to them and represent important events in their lives.

Here’s a fancam of JaeJoong and Yoochun at the tattoo shop. This was taken just a few days ago. Are they going to get a tattoo again? I hope not. Although I did say above that I appreciate the reason behind their tattoos, I still think their tattoos are already enough. I don’t want their bodies to be covered with tattoos.


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