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Micky Yoochun(TVXQ) open an Ice Cream Shop

Tuesday, September 8, 2009 at 6:20 AM

The Sweet Micky(DBSK) did for his Mom

News from

"With his already busy schedule of all the group's performances and composing his own songs, who knew that Micky Yoochun of TVXQ / DBSK / THSK was planning to open his own Time Out Gelato Bars business? While it has been in the works for a while now, the shop opened officially today in Korea. The workers are lucky, even though they only hired male workers to avoid chaos - they can catch a glimpse of Yoochun every now and then. Although it doesn't look too fancy on the outside, I'm sure a hoard of girls will trample each other to get into the shop. Oh, the perks of being a celebrity, cha-ching."

He says that he want to open an ice cream shop for his mom in one of episode of 8vs1, now what he say come true, what a man who keep his word..

MickyYoochun(Dong Bang Shin Ki) is a good son, he open an ice cream shop for his momma. Yoo-chun presented his momma with a brand-spanking new ice cream shop in Seoul’s most expensive areas, Rodeo Drive in Apku-jong from his earnings as a member of one of Korea’s most popular groups.

Maybe Micky Yoochun will often seen in this shop..^^

what a sweet son^^

I want to buy an ice cream in micky shop..hehehe^^

Look at this all delicious ice cream,
waahhh,, I want to eat them all....

Emo SmileEmo SmileEmo SmileEmo SmileEmo SmileEmo SmileEmo SmileEmo Smile


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