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SS501 Perform Song To Promote Prevention Of New Influenza

Saturday, November 28, 2009 at 9:06 AM

Recently contracted new influenza and causing a lot of fans worried about him, SS501's Kim Hyun Joong performed song that promote prevention of new influenza.

In the recent SBS 'Star King - Definitely shocking Program", Accapella group Voiture promote how to prevent new influenza. Kim Hyun Joong and other 'Star King' participants also sing the new influenza prevention promotional song on stage.

Kim Hyun Joong said: "When was confirmed contracted new influenza, I was very panic and scared. I had to calm myself and now I was completely recovered." He also said: "You must always be careful to wash your hand, this will definitely help prevent newinfluenza."

New influenza promotion song's lyric is altered from Cosmetic Coreana CF song "Holding Hands", it was remake by group Acappella into "Wash Hand", the lyrics was totally different fro the CF song and the content combine all prevention steps for new inflenza. It was officially released before broadcast in 'Star King'.

And here's the video of them singing the song, "Wash Hand"...

Video Uploader: kkkph501@YouTube



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