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Regarding cancallation of SS501 performance in Inki Gayo

Saturday, November 7, 2009 at 2:56 AM
Credit: SS601 + (Chinese translation) +
(English translation)
Please repost with full credit.

Hi, this is DSP Media.

The original schedule for SBS Inki Gayo performance on 8 November will be cancelled due to some internal matters.

We hope everybody can understand that we could not explain the reason of cancellation and we would like to express our greatest regrets about this.

This was not due to any problem from SBS, it is solely due to some internal matters that the schedule was cancelled. Please refrain from querying or complaining to SBS.

Because of the cancellation of the schedule, cause chaos in TripleS, we would like to express our apology once again.

DSP Media


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