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Program Outline for 'Champagne'

Saturday, November 7, 2009 at 2:26 AM
Credit: SS601 + (English translation) XiaoChu @
Please repost with full credit.

-SS501 Special-

*Champagne!! SS501 Special!!
SS501 (Kim HyunJoong, Heo YoungSaeng, Kim KyuJong, Park JungMin, Kim HyungJoon), Han SungJoo, Lee HaNwi, Kim JiWoo, Jessica

*Who is the most charismatic guy in SS501!?
Showcase of SS501’s individual talent, love serenade in order to get be the last one standing for the survival meeting!

*In image talk ‘Who is it~’, who is chosen as the bad boy in SS501?

*Individual talents by ‘Legally Blond’ beauties!

*Boys Over Yoon JiHoo! Kim HyunJoong’s Top 32 ideal girl world cup!!


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