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How To Vote Melon Award for SS501

Friday, December 4, 2009 at 1:10 AM

In the 2009 Melon Award, there are 3 categories which are related to SS501
1. '2009 Star' - SS501

2. '2009 Mania' - 'Love Like This' - Rebirth album

3. '2009 Special Album' - 'Boys Over Flower' OST

The following list the instruction to vote for them in the Melon Award.

1. Go to

2. Click on the 'Vote' icon as pointed in the picture below.


3. Select the artist you want to vote by and clicking on the radio button beside the artist name, follow by clicking on the confirm button as pointed in the picture below.


4. Repeat the steps until you have completed all sections.

Don't forget to select SS501 in the sections listed above.

5. You will receive this pop up message once you completed all the section.

The meaning of the message is: "You have voted today. Please vote again tomorrow." (Thanks XiaoChu from Quainte501 for translating this message for me)


Click 'OK' to complete the voting.


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