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Yunho’s HTTG Shooting Completed

Thursday, November 5, 2009 at 6:49 AM

Tohoshinki’s YUNHO (Jung Yunho) has finished the last shooting for the Wed & Thurs drama “Heading To The Ground” (MBC).

A related person said on Nov 3 “The last shooting was a soccer scene. It was piercingly cold so that it was much difficult than previously shootings. The staffs wore thick jackets, but all the actors playing soccer (including Jung Yunho) only wore soccer wear (short pants), so it should have been difficult.”

This day, Jung Yunho shot a scene being accidentally toppled by another player, committing many fouls. But he did not forget to smile till the end, and have done his best. All were very impressed. The other actors was influenced by Yunho, and pumped up thinking “Let’s take care of ourselves not to be injured, and hang on till the end”.

Source: The Chosun Ilbo
Translation: smiley @ One
[b]Credits: { One World. One Red Ocean. One TVXQ! }


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