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TVXQ comment at the Best Hit Kayosai. "Thanks to our fans!"

Friday, November 27, 2009 at 9:06 AM

Translation: Please view from 02:48:

(This part has not been translated so far.)

MC: And TVXQ, I heard that one of your dream came true this year.
YH: Yes, because of the big support of everyone (fans),
we were so happy to be able to perform at Tokyo Dome.
Thank you so much!

MC and Hikawa talks about Hikawa participating the Best Hit for 10 consecutive years.
Hikawa says, he wish to go for another 10 years.
(Kiyoshi Hikawa is a hard working really good natured Enka (trot) singer.)
(T/N): Go TVXQ! Break the record of Hikawa! Yeah!! ^^

Always Keep The Faith!

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Shared by: { One World. One Red Ocean. One TVXQ! }


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