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Jung Min's messages in TOK Message Board

Tuesday, November 3, 2009 at 1:12 AM
Credit: DSP website + (Chinese translation) + (English translation)

Please repost with full credit

2년 7개월만의 글인데....이렇게 써버렸군... [정민]
Leaving a message after 2 year 7 month.... just write like this.....

그리스는 진작에 볼것이지..ㅉㅉ 좋은 구경 놓쳤네 [정민]
You should watch Grease earlier.... miss a good opportunity yeh

영생이형 생일 많이 축하해주세요...우리 남자 영생이형!!ㅋㅋㅋㅋ [정민]
Many greetings to Young Saeng Hyung's Birthday... Our Man Young Saeng Hyung!! ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

2년 7개월 만이네요....와우웅^^ [정민]
Apart for 2 years 7 month yeh... Wow ^^

얼른 자요... 나두 이제 잘꺼예용~~^0^ [정민]
Quick go to sleep... I am going to sleep already~~ ^0^

우와~~필리핀팬두 있구나..^^ 고마워라.... [정민]
Waa~~ there's even Philipines Fan ah.. ^^ Thank you oh...

허느님은 쪼끔 ㅇㅂ다....ㅋㅋㅋ [정민]
'Heo Saeng' is a little bit exaggerated....ㅋㅋㅋ
(Note: 'Heo Saeng': Someone said Wish 'Heo Saeng' Happy Birthday, the 'Heo Saeng' here means from the heaven, after that Jung Min recovered. I don't understand this part completely actually... sorry m(_ _)m)

흐규흐규~!! [정민]
heugyuheugyu~~!! (Note: Don't know what is this)

왜 반말이야!!!댐벼 [정민]
Why you didn't use the respect form!!! Come here
(Note: In response to message: 'Wei.. Park Jung Min!)

컴터만 정상이였어도 딱올리는뎅~~1시간 기달리게 해서 미안미안 [정민]
If the computer don't give program then will definitely be on time~ Let you wait for 1 hour mian mian (*miane is sorry)

댐벼~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!! [정민]
Come here~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!
(Note: Someone message: Fight with me, Park Jung Min!!!!!!)

아...맞다...하지만 울 누나컴터엔 영어빼고 다른 기능이 없고 있어도 할줄 모르니까 생략..ㅋㅋ [정민]
Ah...Yes...But my noona computer only have english, other than that there's no other language function, even if have I also don't know so just ignored..ㅋㅋ
(Note: someone said, he mentioned Good Bye in so many countries language but how could he written all in Korean, it is meaningless. Jung Min said his sister computer can only write korean)

내가 더 고마워요잉^^ [정민]
I am more thankful^^

참!! 재용이형두 생일 축하해줘요 울 댄서형^^ [정민]
Oh!! Also send greeting for JaeYong Hyung's birthday, our dancer hyung ^^

딱콩 100대 완전 머리 뚫려요...ㅋㅋ [정민]
Hit forhead 100 times will definitely make a hole in your head...ㅋㅋ

앗...바이러스 깔리는거야? 나?ㅠㅠㅠ [정민]
Ah.. going to infected by virus? Me? ㅠㅠㅠ
(Note: Someone said if install all the plug-in which jump out from DSP official website will be infected by virus)

그리스 이제 안할껀대안할껀대~~~~못 본 사람은 땡! [정민]
In future I would not act in Grease, I would not act ~~~~ Those that never seen that's it!

보고있어요~마따네는 일본말! 또봐...라는? [정민]
I always read them* ~ Mata ne is Japanese! Good bye...'s meaning?
(Note: Someone ask whether he always visit the official website to look at fans message, Jung Min replied he always read)

암튼 여러분 너무 흥분하게 한 것 같아요...전 낼두 일해야되니까 이제 잘꼐요 [정민]
Seems like make everybody too excited... I tomorrow still have worked so I am going to sleep already

모두 좋은 꿈꾸고, 우리 메니져 집단 꿈꾸세요...(도야지 꿈.ㅋ,ㅋ) [정민]
Must make sweet dreams, same like our group's manager's dream oh... (Pig dreamㅋ,ㅋ)

잘자요~~~~~~~~~~~^0^ 안뇽 [정민]
Good night~~~~~~~~~~~^0^ Anyong


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