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[News] SS501, 5 is too many? Divided into 3 & 2 to attend ‘Strong Heart’

Thursday, November 5, 2009 at 7:36 AM
Credits : Starnews + + (English Translation) xiaochu @


Male group SS501 who recently confirm their attendance for SBS ‘Strong Heart’, there was a change to the initial plan that all 5 members will attend, now they will be divided into teams with 3 and 2 members.

SS501 was scheduled to attend to ‘Strong Heart’ held in SBS Open Hall at DeungChon-dong Seoul on 5-Nov afternoon with all members. On this day’s recording, only Kim HyunJoong, Heo YoungSaeng and Kim KyuJong attended.

Our reporter met with the producer of ‘Strong Heart’ on 4-Nov and they revealed “All members of SS501 were supposed to attend initially, but considering with all 5 members around, each of them would have less opportunity to talk so we have divided them into teams of 3 and 2.”

With this, it is a pity that we will not be able to see all 5 members attending to a variety show together even after such a long time.

Meanwhile, SS501’s new album title song ‘Love Like This’ has received very high popularity, being one of the candidates for 1st position in various public TV music shows, with their comeback performances.


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