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[News] Kim KyuJong Exposed “Witnessed HyunJoong-YoungSaeng Kissing”

Friday, December 11, 2009 at 5:54 PM
Credits : + + (English Translation) xiaochu @

SS501 member Kim KyuJong exposed that he witnessed HyunJoong and main vocal YoungSaeng kissing.

In SBS ‘Intimate Note 2’ broadcasted on 11-Dec, boy group and girl group of the same management company, SS501 and KARA attended with each others’ company, showing their strong friendship since trainee days.

KyuJong said during the filming recently “Last year during YoungSaeng’s birthday, I witnessed the scene of him kissing the guy. Now I will share the story about him and that guy.” And he took HyunJoong to the front, shocking the rest of them.

It turned out that the 2 of them were playing ‘king game’ at a party and was caught in a forfeit where they had to kiss each other.

However, member JungMin revealed “There is a weak aura like this in the team. HyunJoong and YoungSaeng’s awkward aura” catching the attention.

YoungSaeng said “We’re close with each other but strangely, we don’t talk a lot” and HyunJoong said arousing the curiosity of others, “I see YoungSaeng 290 days out of 365 days. I can call out ‘ya, xx ya’ to other members easily, but I couldn’t do that to YoungSaeng.”

Kim HyunJoong added “I will get angry if other members are late but if YoungSaeng is late, I would just say ‘It’s ok~’ unknowingly”, revealing an anecdote that arises from the 2 person’s awkward relationship.

Broadcast is on 11-Dec at 9.55pm.


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