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[News] Kim HyunJoong, Wine Party with 65 fans

Friday, December 4, 2009 at 10:53 AM
Credits : + + (English Translation) xiaochu @


Kim HyunJoong had an enjoyable wine party date with 65 fans.

Kim HyunJoong attended ‘Perfect Day Wine Party with Kim HyunJoong’ held in a luxury restaurant in Gangnam-gu, Seoul in the morning of 9-Dec. This event is held by ‘Hotsun chicken’ which Kim HyunJoong is currently its model. 65 fans with the most number of applications from 1st to 30th last month were chosen.

Kim HyunJoong had buffet and barbeque party with the attendees and brought himself closer to the fans with fan signing and photo taking time. In addition there is a free talk time which focuses on various things that fans are curious about Kim HyunJoong, through this, Kim HyunJoong and fans spent a valuable time to strengthen the friendship between them.

Event representative said “Instead of having a pure Kim HyunJoong fan sign event, we hope to make an event that leaves previous memories for them.”

Kim HyunJoong is the leader of group SS501, having activities as a singer, and received lots of popularity through drama ‘Boys Over Flowers’.


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