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[News] Han Chae Young eliminated Kim Hyun Joong

Monday, December 7, 2009 at 9:27 AM
Credit: Mydaily Korea + (Chinese translation) + (English translation)
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'Barbie doll' Han Chae Young choose Son Ho Young as ideal type in Champagne.

In the 5 November broadcast of KBS 2TV 'Champagne', Han Chae Young participated in the excited '39 Ideal Type World Cup Competition'. In this episode's '36 Ideal Type World Cup Competition', the nominees include Jang Dong Gun, Lee Byung Hun, G Dragon and other strong competitors. Han Chae Young was very frank and do not hesitate to eliminate quite a few contestants.

Only when Han Chae Young's management company's manager Lee Byung Hun appeared, she had slight hesitation and said: "My contract still left quite some time oh..."

Kim Hyun Joong had once eliminated Han Chae Young quite early in the '36 Ideal Type World Cup Competition', however for this time, Han Chae Young allowed Kim Hyun Joong to go up till the final round, but at the final moment eliminated Kim Hyun Joong. The production team joked that this was the most cruel revenge to him.


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