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3 Members Of TVXQ, Returns To Korea

Tuesday, December 8, 2009 at 6:55 AM
When I checked xiah-sshi i found this article, sometimes, i just think it's strange just seen them in 3 not five..


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The 3 members of TVXQ, Hero Jaejoong, Xiah Junsu and Micky Yoochun, who are in conflict with their management company, have completed their end of the year schedules in Japan and returned to Korea through Gimpo Airport.

On 12 December, they will meet their fans at Koryeo University during the "Smile Again" activity, but U-know Yunho and Choikang Changmin will not be attending the event.

Due to the 3 members returning to Korea, Gimpo Airport was in a frenzy. They were also tightly surrounded by fans. Xiah Junsu, who returned, was obviously fatigued.

Source: [Newsen + TVXQasia]
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