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[News] Heo YoungSaeng surprise confession “There is a male singer that asked me to introduce Han SeungYeon to him”

Friday, December 11, 2009 at 5:56 PM
Credits : + + (English Translation) xiaochu @

SS501 Heo YoungSaeng confessed about a male singer asked him to introduce his management company junior, Han SeungYeon to him.

In SBS ‘Intimate Note 2’ broadcasted on 11-Dec, boy group and girl group of the same management company, SS501 and KARA attended with each others’ company, showing their strong friendship since trainee days.

In the recent filming, SS501 Heo YoungSaeng chose KARA’s Han SeungYeon to the question ‘Person who is most popular among opposite gender artistes is?’, and started taking about the secret.

YoungSaeng said “It was when I coincidentally met a friend who is also a singer. This friend says SeungYeon is very cute and requested for me to introduce to him. However, I didn’t introduce to him.” SeungYeon aroused curiosity from the rest saying “I heard of this story before but he didn’t tell me who that person is.”

Who is the male singer that asked YoungSaeng to introduce SeungYeon to him? SS501 and KARA’s idol exposure of secrets will be revealed to the public in ‘Intimate Note 2’.

Broadcast is on 11-Dec at 9.55pm.


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